

A Team Player

In business and sports circles you will often hear the expression that so and so is a team player. The meaning is that the person understands the need to pull together with the others in a constructive manner for the benefit of the business or team, in some cases even sacrificing personal or individual objectives and ambitions in order to accomplish such.

In a congregation it is no different. A congregation is a group of individuals who have banded themselves together collectively to accomplish certain things that the Lord wants as a group. To do so, a congregation needs team players. But, how can I know if I am a good team player in the congregation? Here are four ways, though there may be more.

1. Am I apologetic to the others when I let them down? Or do I just slip back into the congregation's activities after failing them, as if nothing happened?

2. Am I a faithful financial supporter, dependable and reliable? Or do I contribute in a hit and miss fashion and dump the responsibility of meeting the congregation's financial obligations onto the others, when I am away?

3.  Am I a volunteer for congregational projects? Or do I always have to be asked to do something?

4. Am I considerate of the others when unable to participate in the assemblies? Or do leave them to guess where I am and/or why I am not there?

Every congregation needs team players and the more the merrier. Are you one?