

Which Came First? the Chicken or the Egg?

A young skeptic said to an elderly lady: "I once believed in God, but since studying science I am convinced that God is an empty word."

The lady replied: "Well, I have not studied science, but since you have, maybe you can tell me from whence came this egg."

"Why, of course, from the hen," was the reply.

"And where did the hen come from?"

"Why the egg."

"And perhaps," she said, "you can tell me which existed first."

"The hen, of course." rejoined the young man.

"You mean that a hen existed without having come from an egg?"

"Oh, no," he said, "I should have said the egg was first."

"Then you mean that an egg existed without having come from a hen?"

He exclaimed: "You've got me all mixed up."

She drove home her point: "Young man, since you cannot explain the existence of even a hen or an egg without God, you cannot expect me to believe that you can explain the existence of the whole world without Him.