

It’s Just A Matter of Wanting To

A man can get out of bed at three o'clock on Saturday morning to go fishing, but when you talk to him about Sunday morning Bible classes, he can't get up that early on Sunday!  WHY THE DIFFERENCE? 

A man can go a hundred miles on Friday night to a ball game, but is too tired to get out for the worship on Sunday and Wed. nights!  WHY THE DIFFERENCE? 

A man can take his family to a circus and spend considerable money, but can't afford to give more than a dollar to the Lord!  WHY THE DIFFERENCE? 

A man can involve himself in a fundraiser for some civic cause, and invite people to some social function, but can't make any effort to interest his acquaintances in the gospel and/or invite them to church services.  WHY THE DIFFERENCE? 

A man can take an aspirin and go to work despite an annoying headache, but a similar headache is considered a good reason for missing the worship.  WHY THE DIFFERENCE?   It is just a matter of wanting to!