

Sunday Christians

The Lord’s Day crowd does not delight me; it depresses me.” once lamented the late Vance Havner, a 20th-century American preacher.

Havner explained, “Because it indicates a Sunday morning Christianity that is the greatest hindrance to real revival. It pays God a tribute of one hour at church then says, “Goodbye God, I’ll see you next Sunday,’”

“These Sunday morning glories, who bloom only to fold up for the rest of the week, are often a greater problem than the publicans and sinners outside the church,” Havner opined.

I imagine every preacher and pastor can to some degree relate to those sentiments. It is discouraging to see people, claiming to be faithful disciples of Christ, whose only claim to Christianity, is a meager hour of worship once a week. No Bible class attendance. No Wednesday Night Bible Study. No small group involvement. No indication of ministry activity. No fellowship outside the assembly. No relationships with fellow Christians. No evangelistic outreach.

However, I refuse to be depressed. Instead, Sunday is a day of delight for me. I feel like King David. “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” (PS. 122:1)

I rejoice at the opportunity to worship God. Honor our Savior. And share His Word.

I’m glad to see fellow Christians every Sunday.

I’m inspired by the elderly with physical ailments who faithfully attend each week.

I’m emboldened by the young people who come to class, take sermon notes, and have a good word to say about the sermon.

I’m appreciative of parents who wrestle with young children throughout worship but are determined to attend, participate and set an example of faithfulness.

I’m encouraged by so many sisters with non-Christian husbands who faithfully attend and do what they can do to serve. And I’ve rejoiced to see the example of many of these ladies lead their husbands to the Lord.

I am not depressed by those who seem to be Sunday morning only Christians. I’m unshaken by those with weak faith. Undeterred in my Christian commitment. Undaunted in my determination to preach the whole counsel of God “in season and out of season.” And ever hopeful that those who need to repent of their lukewarm and indifferent attitude will do so before it’s too late.

In the meantime, I will delight in the privilege of worship today. Each day. And every Sunday.